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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine

UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project



Bu J, Delavar A, Dayao JK, Lieu A, Chuter BG, Chen K, Nishihara T, Meller L, Camp A, Lee J, Baxter S.  Evaluation and Optimization of Diabetic Retinopathy Screenings for Uninsured Latinx Patients in a Resource-Limited Student-Run Free Clinic. Journal of Student-Run Clinics. 10(1). 2024

Chuter, B.G., Lieu, A., Dayao, J.K.O., Bu, J.J., Chen, K., Nishihara, T., Baxter, S.L., Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of Eye Care to Uninsured Diabetic Patients at a Student-Run Free Clinic: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Eye Clinic Performance. J Stud Run Clin. 2022 Dec 20;8(1):358.

Beck, E., The Patient as Teacher-Learnings About Becoming a Good Physician from Senior Medical Students. International Journal of Whole Person Care. 2022. volume. 9 no. 1. (abstract)

Beck, E., Dominguez, I., Toma, K.G., A Student-Run Free Clinic Project: Lessons in Compassion, Community, and Courage. International Journal of Whole Person Care. 2022. volume. 9 no. 1. (abstract)

Toma, K.G., Masini, I., Johnson, G., Birring, P., Alkafaji, R., Do, C., Cui, C.L., Malinak, D., Beck, E., Implementation of an On-Site Food Prescription Project to Address Food Insecurity in Multiple Free Clinic Sites Serving an Adult Latinx Population. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2022. Published Online

Schneid, S.D., Fricovsky, E.S., Loehr, P.G., Kim, J.G., A Pipeline for Health Systems Science in Postbaccalaureate Premedical Programmes. Med Educ. 2022. 56(5):568-569.

Tadros, A., Manning, P., Smitaman, E., Chong, A., Wang, K., Tamayo-Murillo, D., Starting a Free Ultrasound Clinic for the Underserved: Considerations and Overcoming Challenges. Acad Radiol. 2021 07; 28(7):938-943.

Lai, K., Nguyen, H., Fricovsky, E., Chen, T., Drug-Cost Saving Opportunities through Therapeutic Interchange at the Student-Run Free Clinic. Submitted to AMCP, Virtual, 2021. (abstract)

Luli, A.J., Mnatzaganian, C.L, Hart, L.A., Singh, R.F., Fricovsky, E., Yam, F.K., Patel, N., Development, Implementation, and Qualitative Outcomes of a Virtual Experiential Elective During a Pandemic. AACP-Virtual Conference, 2021. (abstract)

Conklin, C., Machiraju, S., Chen, M., Johnson, M., Assessing and Responding to Patients in the Covid-19 Era: A Student-Run Free Clinic’s Use of Telehealth. Free Clinic Research Collective. 2020. volume 6(1).

Falicov, C.J., Niño, A., D’Urso, S., Expanding Possibilities: Flexibility and Solidarity with Under-Resourced Immigrant Families During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Family Process. 2020. 59:865-882.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Beck, E., Silverstein, I., Discovering Your Pathway: Impact of Faculty Development in Underserved Dentistry. J  Dental Education. 2020. 84(2):226-227. (abstract)

Bui, A., Nguyen, Q.M., Huynh, J., Dang, A., Nguyen, V., Fricovsky, E., The Impact of Specialized Diabetes Care Provided by Pharmacy Students at the UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinic. CSHP-Virtual Seminar. 2020. (abstract)


Tran, V., Chen, S., Eduardo, F., Luli, A., Influenza Vaccines Provided at the UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinic Project – Impact and Implications. San Diego Institute for Public Health: 5th Annual Public Health Research Day Symposium and Poster Session. 2019. (abstract)

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Wong, J., UCSD Pre-Dental Society and Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project Holds Annual Honors Banquet. Facets. 2018. 14-15.

Duxbury, E., DeVries, K., Pellegrin, K., Fricovsky, E.. Mnatzaganian, C., Associations Between Education, Physical and Emotional Health, and Social Support in San Diego. Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy 11th Health Disparities Conference. 2018. (abstract)

Nguyen, H., Fricovsky, E., Chen, T., Minimizing Drug Cost and Maximizing Efficacy in Student-Run Free Clinic. AAASPD-AACP Students Symposium. 2018. (abstract)

Smith, S.D., Rojas, S., Huang, J., Yang, K., Vaida, F.,  Longitudinal Hypertension Outcomes at Four Student-Run Free Clinic Sites. Family Medicine. 2017. 49(1).

Nguyen, Q., Parikh, A., Malakootian, M., Dinh, H., Kim, Y., Fricovsky, E., Implementation of a Free Diabetic Shoes Program in Partnership with the UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinic for the Underserved Community. ASHP conference. 2017. (abstract)

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Beck, E., Silverstein, I., Volunteering in Free Dental Clinics: Shaping Attitudes of Pre-Dental Students. J Dental Education. 2016. 80(2):204. (abstract)

Silverstein, I., Beck, E., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Collaborative Partnerships Shaping Tomorrow Together: Middle School Through Faculty Development. J Dental Education 2016. 80(2):239. (abstract)

Smith, S.D., Dunham, L., Dekhtyar, M., Dinh, A., Laiken, P., Moynahan, K., Stuber, M., Skochelak, S., Medical Student Perceptions of the Learning Environment: Learning Communities are Associated with a More Positive Learning Environment in a Multi-Institutional Medical School Study. Academic Medicine. 2016. 91(9):1263-9.

Smith, S.D., Malinak, D., Chang, J., Perez, M., Perez, S., Settlecowski, E., Rodriggs, T., Hsu, M., Abrew, A., Aedo, S., Implementation of a Food Insecurity Screening and Referral Program in Student-Run Free Clinics in San Diego, California. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2016. 5:134-139.

Nguyen, V.N,, Namiq, S.Z., Vu, T.B., Lam, C.K., Fricovsky, E., Bridging Health Disparity with Free Pneumococcal Vaccination. Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Conference. 2016. (abstract)

Dagher, S., Koh, A., Fakourfar, N., Hefazi, E., Nguyen, Q., Fricovsky, E., Student Pharmacists Run Diabetes Foot Care Clinic. Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Conference. 2016. (abstract)

Rojas, S., Smith, S., Rojas, S., Vaida, F., Longitudinal Hyperlipidemia Outcomes at Three Student-Run Free Clinic Sites. Fam Med. 2015. 47(4):309-14.

Soltani, M., Smith, S., Beck, E., Johnson, M., Universal Depression Screening, Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes at a Student-Run Free Clinic. Academic Psychiatry. 2015 06;39(3):259-66.

Smith, S., Thomas, R., Cruz, M., Griggs, R., Moscato, B., Ferrara, A., Presence and Characteristics of Student-Run Free Clinics in Medical Schools. JAMA. 2014. 312(22):2407-10.

Smith, S., Yoon, R,, Johnson, M., Natarajan, L., Beck, E., The Effect of Involvement in a Student-Run Free Clinic Project on Attitudes Toward the Underserved and Interest in Primary Care. Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2014. 25(2):877-889.

Smith, S.D., Marrone, L., Johnson, M., Gomez, A., Edland, S., Beck, E., Clinical Outcomes of Diabetic Patients at a Student-Run Free Clinic. Family Medicine. 2014. 43(3):198-203.

Bechtold, A., Wang, A., Jin, M., Patel, A., Vu, T., Fakourfar, N., Ma, Y., Saarikoski, P., Fricovsky, E., Student Pharmacist-Led Diabetes Foot Care Clinic in the Underserved Community. Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Conference, 2014. (abstract)

Gan, K., Hsu, T., Ngo, C., Phuong, P., Taylor, R., Torres-Gonzalez, M., Suarez, J., Beck, E., Fricovsky, E., Gene Expression of Enzymes in the O-GlcNAcylation Pathway in Type 2 Diabetics vs. Non-Siabetics. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology conference. 2014. (abstract)

Chen W, Smith SD, Johnson ML, Natarajan L, Robillos E, Beck E. Measuring the overall quality of well-being of patients at student-run free clinics. Abstract published in Proceedings of the 2013 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Conference on Medical Student Education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2014. 26(2);196-203.

Phuong, P., Gan, K., Taylor, R., Yamaguchi, S., Torres-Gonzalez, M., Suarez, J., Beck, E., Fricovsky, E., Effects of Familial History of Type 2 Diabetes on Changes in Gene Expression of the O- GlcNAcylation Pathway in Type 2 Diabetics. Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Conference. 2013. (abstract)

Smith, S.D., Johnson, M., Rodriguez N., Moutier, C., Beck, E.,  Medical Student Perceptions of the Educational Value of a Student-Run Free Clinic. Family Medicine. 2012. 44(9):646-9.

Ha, D., Sosinsky, I., Wang, E., Watson, L., Fricovsky, E., Morello, C., Beck, E., A Model for a Student- Pharmacist Run Diabetes Care Clinic and Assessment of Educational Benefit at the UCSD-Student Run Free Clinic Project. Society of Student Run Free Clinics Conference. 2012. (abstract)

Painter, N., McBane, S., Fricovsky, E., Development of the UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy the Academic Community Team Interdisciplinary Outreach Network (ACTION). American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Conference. 2012. (abstract)

Painter, N., Fricovsky, E., Student Pharmacists’ Perception of Health Disparities During a Service-Learning Experience at a Free Medical Clinic. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) conference. 2011. (abstract)


Beck, E; Wingard, D; Zúñiga ,M.L.; Heifetz, R; Gilbreath, S. Academic Medicine: Addressing the Health Needs of the Underserved: A National Faculty Development Program. 2008. 11;Volume 83 (11).1094-1102.

Wortis N, Beck E, Donsky J. Health and the Community. Book Chapter in Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients. Principles, Practice and Populations. McGraw Hill, Lange: 2006.159-165.

Beck, E. The UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project: Transdisciplinary Health Professional Education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved. 2005. 5;Volume 16. Number 2. 207-219.

Beck E, The Core Content Review of Family Medicine. Question and Answer Booklet. 2005. 5;Volume 36. No. 4.

Beck, E., Stymied. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2005. 16(4):612-4.

O'Connor S, Ganiats T, Beck E, Kaplan R. Quality of Life in a Free Clinic. Abstract -Quality of Life Research. 2003. Volume 12. Issue 7.


Beck E. Addressing the Health Needs of the Underserved. Bioethics Forum. Summer 1999.15(2).31-35.