UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinic Project
Our Mission
The UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project, in partnership with the community, provides respectful, empowering, high quality health care for the underserved while inspiring the next generation of health professionals.
Services Offered
We provide medical, mental health and pharmacy services, as well as acupuncture, dental, social work and legal services.
Becoming A Patient
Our priority is caring for patients who do not qualify for any other healthcare programs or resources.
Clinic Sites
Thanks to our outstanding community partners, we currently have four clinic sites.

Education & Training
Our clinic is nationally recognized and serves as a model and a training ground for health professional students, faculty, and community leaders who are seeking to better meet the needs of underserved and vulnerable populations.
Give Back
Much of our livelihood depends on the generosity of individuals, foundations, businesses, organizations, and our home institution who support us via donations, grants, time and service
Contact us
Email: ucsdsrfc@health.ucsd.edu
Phone: (858) 534-6110
Admin Office Address:
UCSD Dept. of Family Medicine
9500 Gilman Drive #0696
La Jolla, CA 92093-0696