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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine

UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project



Jin, S.*, Tamamian, C., Chau, S.*, White, K., Roach, M., Lovell, J., Sophy, E. Strengthening community bonds: a case study of catalyzing a donation drive to enhance the impact of the UCSD Street Outreach Team. Poster presentation at the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Conference, Philadelphia, PA. October 2024.

Varsha Prakash, Natalie Rodriguez MD, Michelle Johnson, MD. Evaluating the Impact of an Introductory Course on Medical Students Participating in UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project.  Poster presented at the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2024. - Won Student Impact Award

Prakash, V., Kaur, N., Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M. Evaluating the Impact of an Introductory Course on Students Participating in the UCSD Student Run Free Clinic Project. Oral presentation at UCSD Family Medicine Research Symposium. San Diego, CA. June 2024.

Johnson M, Rodriguez N, Chao E, Yu J. Let’s Dia-BEAT-This: Examining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Diabetic Clinical Outcomes at the UC San Diego Student Run Free Clinic Project. Poster presentation at UCSD Family Medicine Research Symposium. San Diego, CA. June 2024. - Won Best Poster

Prakash, V., Kaur, N., Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M. Evaluating the Impact of an Introductory Course on Students Participating in the UCSD Student Run Free Clinic Project. Poster presentation at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. Los Angeles, CA. May 2024. 

Noon, S., Kalbag, M., Sweeney, C., Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M. Geographic Evaluation of Social Determinants of Health of Patients at a Student-Run Free Clinic. Poster presentation at UC San Diego Public Health Research Day. San Diego, CA. May 2024. - Won Outstanding Poster

Jin, S., Tamamian, C., Chau, S., White, K., Roach, M., Lovell, J., Sophy, E. Strengthening community bonds: a case study of catalyzing a donation-drive to enhance the impact of the UCSD street outreach team. Poster presentation at University of California Community Health Conference. Sacramento, CA. April 2024.

Lee, M., Means, A., Ho, A., Chung, P., Noon, S., Nyam, A., Lovell, J., Barrett, Sophy, E., Johnson, M., "Growth of Medical Student-Driven Street Outreach Team in an Underserved Suburban Community". Oral presentation at University of California Community Health Conference. Sacramento, CA. April 2024.

Noon, S., Kalbag, M., Sweeney, C., Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M. Geographic Evaluation of Social Determinants of Health of Patients at a Student-Run Free Clinic. Poster presentation at University of California Community Health Conference. Sacramento, CA. April 2024

Carlson, A., Ribeiro de Oliveira, B., Barrett, L., Sophy, E., Johnson, M., "Development and Impact of a Student-Run Street Outreach Program".  Poster presentation at University of California Community Health Conference. Sacramento, CA. May 2023

Ramesh K., Clark, C., Torres, H., Luu, B., Johnson, M., "Relationship Between Lab Order Completion Rate and Patient Demographics at the UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinic Project". Poster presentation at University of California Community Health Conference. Sacramento, CA. May 2023

Terrana, A., Howitt, L., Rucker, K., Taylor, R., Quinones-Baltazar, E., Quinones, R., Aung, A., McClish, J., Falicov, C., Free Clinic Fireside Chats: Enhancing Cultural Awareness and Mental Health Processing Through Community Driven Learning. Poster presentation at University of California Community Health Conference. Sacramento, CA. May 2023

Carlson, A., Dickinson, S., Palmer, V.,  Johnson, M., "Assessing the Impact of Medi-Cal Expansion on the UCSD Student Run Free Clinic Project". UCSD School of Medicine Summer Research Symposium. San Diego, CA. 2023.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I.B., "Believe I’m Possible: Evaluating Pandemic-Related Changes in Educating Pre-Dental Students" Poster Presented. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Portland, OR. March 2023.

Terrana, A., Rucker, K., Niño-Torres, A.,  D’Urso, S., Alvarado-Salceda, D., McClish, J., Falicov, C., "Free Clinic Fireside Chats: A Novel Educational Approach to Integrating Mental and Physical Healthcare for Underserved Immigrants". San Diego, CA. September 2022.

Luli, A., "Unleashing the Power of Student Pharmacists at a Student-Run Free Clinic" American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 2022 Annual Meeting. Grapevine, TX. July 2022.

Glockner, S.M., Rabin, B.A., Dayao J.K., McLaughlin, G.O., Johnson, M., Rodriguez, N., Linke, S.E., "Adaptation, Implementation, and Evaluation of Exercise is Medicine into a Student-Run Free Clinic". UCSD Public Health Research Day. San Diego, CA. May 2022.

Dayao, J.K., "An Analysis of ‘Exercise is Medicine’ Impacts and Utilization in a Student-Run Free Clinic" Oral Presentation. Society of Student Run Free Clinics National Conference. Mobile, AL. March 2022. - Won Outstanding Oral Presentation

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Beck, E., Silverstein, I., "Lifting As We Rise: Faculty Development in Underserved Dentistry" Seminar Presentation. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Philadelphia, PA. March 2022.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., "Faculty Development in Underserved Dentistry: Short- and Long-Term Impact" Oral Presentation. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Philadelphia, PA. March 2022.

Silverstein, I.B., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Faculty Development in Underserved Dentistry: Introduction. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Philadelphia, PA. March 2022.

Dayao, J.K., Glockner, S., Johnson, M., Linke, S., "An Analysis of ‘Exercise is Medicine’ Impacts and Utilization in a Student-Run Free Clinic" Poster Presentation. UC San Diego School of Medicine Summer Research Symposium. San Diego, CA. February 2022.

Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M., Buckner, E., “Implementing an Antiracism Curriculum at a Student-Run Free Clinic” Society of Teachers of Family Medicine: Virtual. February 2022.

Johnson, M., *Moss, H., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Rodriguez, N. "Implementation and Evaluation of a Self-Compassion Curriculum for First Year Medical Students in a Free Clinic Elective". Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. January 2022.

Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M., Buckner, E., "Implementation of an Antiracism Curriculum for First- and Fourth-Year Medical Students at a Student-Run Free Clinic".  Oral presentation for the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. January 2022.

Niño, A., Terrana, A., Alvarado, D., McClish, J., Falicov, C., "Advancing Mental Health Equity for Under-Resourced Immigrants Through Culturally Responsive Collaborative Care During Covid-19: Applications of Telehealth and Interdisciplinary Fireside Chats. Integrated Care Conference, Collaborative Family Health Care Association. Virtual. October 2021.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I., Yamaguchi, S., Montiel, C., Chiribao, G., "UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project: Lemon Grove Site" Presented to the Lemon Grove School District Board of Education. San Diego, CA. September 2021.

Terrana, A., Rucker, K., Niño-Torres, A., McClish, J., Alvarado-Salceda, D., D’Urso, S., Falicov, C., "Free Clinic Fireside Chats: A Novel Educational Approach to Integrating Mental and Physical Healthcare for Underserved Immigrants". September 2021.

Falicov, C., "Meeting the Needs of Immigrant Clients: A Model for Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care" Annual Webinar Series. University of Rochester Medical School. Virtual. June 2021.

Niño, A., D’Urso, M. S., "Mental Health Equity for Immigrants in Medical Free Clinics" Conference of the American Family Therapy Academy. Virtual. June 2021.

Falicov, C., Aung, A. and Howitt, L., "Mental Health Services at Student Run Free Clinic Project" UCSD Mental Health Awareness Week. San Diego, CA. May 2021.

Falicov, C., Seminar on “A Multidimensional Ecological Framework for Attending to Cultural Diversity and Inequality in Public Mental Health”  UCSD Mental Health Services and Public Health. at Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, UCSD Dissemination and Implementation Science Center. San Diego, CA. February 2021.

Johnson, M., Falicov, C., Malak, L., "Health and Mental Health Services and Education at the SRFCP". Presentation at Department of Psychiatry, UCSD. San Diego, CA. January 2021.

Chen, M., Coonahan, E., Digma, L., Kim, A., Magsumbol, A.M., Penalosa, M., Rucker, K., Smith, D.M., Toma, K.G., Zhong, A., Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M.L. " Implementation of a Delivery System for Food and Medications during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Society of Student Run Free Clinics Conference. Virtual. 2021.

Johnson, M., Rodriguez, N., "Advancing Equity: UCSD Student Run Free Clinic". Triton Leaders Conference. UC San Diego, San Diego, CA. 2021.

Rucker, K., Terrana, A., Hong, J., McClish, J., Alvarado, D., D’Urso, S., Falicov, C., Niño, T.A., Johnson, M., Rodriguez, N., "Development of a Guide for Students to Provide Access to Mental Health Care in a Culturally Sensitive Manner". Society of Student Run Free Clinics Conference. Virtual. 2021.

Falicov, C., Niño, A., D’Urso, S., Lugo, B, Salcedo, L., Shibley, M., Rucker, K; Terrana, A., Quiñones- Baltazar, E., Quiñones, R., Taylor, B., "Fireside Chats on Integrating Sociocultural Sensitivity with Latinx Immigrants in Health Care Settings". San Diego, CA. 2020-ongoing.


Falicov, C., Dominguez, I., Gonzalez, S., D’Urso, M.S., Abrams, A. McClish, J., "UCSD SRFCP Volunteer Mental Health Services" USCD Healthcare Seminar, Student Sustainability Collective. San Diego, CA. May 2019.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Beck, E., Silverstein, I., "Faculty Development in Underserved Dentistry: Enhancing and Sustaining Collaborative Skills" Poster Presented. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Chicago, IL. March 2019.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I., Beck, E., "Enhancing Oral Health Knowledge and Behaviors in Middle-School Children" Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. November 2018.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I., Beck, E., "Changes in Children’s Oral Health Needs". UCSD Public Health Research Day. San Diego, CA. April 2018.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I.B. ADA President Dr. Joseph Crowley visits UCSD Free Dental Clinic Project. Facets. San Diego, CA. April 2018.

Rodriguez, N., Gerdts, E., Thun, M., McGhie, A., Fricovsky, E., Johnson, M., Beck, E., “Response to a Hepatitis A Outbreak Among the Homeless at a Student-Run Free Clinic” UCSD Public Health Research Day. La Jolla, CA. April 2018.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I., Beck, E.,"Enhancing the Future: A Faculty Development Program in Underserved Dentistry" Poster Presented. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Orlando, FL. March 2018.

Vuong, C., Klepper, K., Hasteh, F., Rodriguez, N., “Founding the Pathology Specialty Clinic at the UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project”. Society of Student-Run Free Clinics, Omaha, NE. March 2018.

Keniston, K., "Sustainable Integration and Evaluation of an After Visit Summary for Primary Care Patients of the UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project" Poster Presentation. Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference. Omaha, NE. February 2018.

Pham, T., Coblentz, I., Johnson,  M., Rodriguez, N., "Implementation of a QR Code Inventory Management System within a Student-Run Free Clinic". Oral presentation Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference, Omaha, NE. February 2018.

Meriwether, C., Johnson, M., Richman, K., Hughes, T., "Implementation of Appropriateness Criteria for Image Ordering at a Student Run Free Clinic" Oral Presentation. Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference. Omaha, NE. February 2018.

Rodriguez, N., Gerdts, E., Thun, M., McGhie, A., Fricovsky, E., Johnson, M., Beck, E., “Response to a Hepatitis A Outbreak Among the Homeless at a Student-Run Free Clinic” Society of Teachers of Family Medicine: Austin, TX. February 2018.

Johnson, M., Cortez, B., Villareal, V., "Implementation and Evaluation of a Diabetes Self-Monitoring Tool at the UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project" Oral Presentation. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Education Conference. Austin, TX. January 2018.

Fricovsky E. Improving Patients’ Access to Pharmacist Services- UC San Diego Student Run Free Clinic Project as a Model. American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018 (oral presentation).

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I., Beck, E., "Children’s Oral Health Needs and Behaviors: Changes After Establishment of a School-Based Free Dental Clinic" Poster Presented. National School Based Health Care Convention Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. June 2017.

Oser, R., Beck, E., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I.B., Creating a comprehensive wellness program at an inner city public school.  Poster presented at the National School Based Health Care Convention Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. June, 2017.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Beck, E., Silverstein, I., "Ensuring the Right to Health: A Faculty Development Program in Underserved Dentistry" Poster Presented. American Public Health Association, 144th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. October 2016.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., Beck, E., Silverstein, I., "Volunteering in Free Dental Clinics: Shaping Attitudes of Pre-Dental Students" Poster Presented. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Denver, CO. March 2016.

Silverstein, I.B., Beck, E., Kritz-Silverstein, D., "Collaborative Partnerships Shaping Tomorrow Together: Middle School Through Faculty Development".  Poster Presented at the American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Denver, CO. March, 2016.

Chhea, N., Chiu, C., Shukla, A., Yamaguchi, S., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I.B., "UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project: Baker" San Diego County Board of Education District Meeting. Lincoln Cluster. San Diego, CA. June 2015.

Beck, E., Kritz-Silverstein, D., "Addressing the Oral Health Needs of the Underserved National Faculty Development Program" Marketplace Short Talk. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Boston, MA. March 2015.

Beck, E., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Silverstein, I.B, Smith, L. "Igniting Minds: A National Faculty Development Program in Underserved Dentistry." Oral Seminar. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Boston, MA. March 2015.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., "A National Faculty Development Program in Underserved Dentistry: Preliminary Evaluation Results" Oral Presentation. American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Boston, MA. March 2015.

Silverstein, I.B., "A National Faculty Development Program in Underserved Dentistry: A Unique Model".  American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition. Boston, MA. March 6-9, 2015.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., "Integrating Comprehensive Oral Health Services into SBHCs—How We Got From There to Here" Oral Presentation. HRSA Grantees Meeting. Washington, DC. May 2014.

Kritz-Silverstein, D., "Lemon Grove School District Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Projects" Oral Presentation. HRSA Grantees Meeting. Washington, DC. May 2014.

Beck. E., Johnson, M., Smith, S., Rodriguez, N., “Meeting LCME Service Learning and Cultural Competence Requirements through Student-Run Free Clinics” Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Long Beach, CA. January 2012.

Rodriguez, N., Gomez, A., Beck, E., "Implementation of an Electronic Health Record at a Student-Run Free Clinic Project” Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Long Beach, CA. January 2012.

Falicov, C., "Seminar on Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Underserved Immigrant with Cultural and Sociopolitical Awareness". Underserved Medicine Faculty Development Course organized by Dr. Beck. San Diego, CA. 2011-2015.

Clark, R., Johnson, M., Beck, E., Smith, S., Rodriguez, N., “Issues of Continuity of Care in Student-Run Clinics” Society of Student-Run Free Clinics. Houston, TX. January 2011.

Rodriguez, N., Beck, E., Smith, S., Johnson, M., “Teaching Medical Students Core Philosophies, Critical Thinking and Lifelong Learning at a Student-Run Clinic" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine: Houston, TX. January 2011.

Beck, E., Johnson, M., Smith, S., Rodriguez, N., “Integrating PCMH concepts into medical student education experience and examples from a free clinic project”. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Vancouver, BC. April 2010.

Beck, E., Johnson, M., Smith, S., Rodriguez, N., Berryman, E. “Impact of a Transdisciplinary Medical Home for Underserved Patients at a Student-Run Free Clinic." Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Jacksonville, FL. January 2010.

Rodriguez, N., Berryman, E., Jolley, M., “Leadership Styles in Free Clinic Projects” Society of Student-Run Free Clinics. Jacksonville, FL. January 2010.

Smith, S., Yoon, R., Fletcher, E., Rodriguez, N., Johnson, M., Beck, E., "Effect of Free Clinic Involvement on Medical Student Attitudes Towards Treatment of the Underserved" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Jacksonville, FL. January 2010.

Outcomes of Addressing the Health Needs of the Underserved Faculty Development Program. Presented at the STFM 36 Annual Predoctoral Education Conference. Jacksonville, FL. January 2010,

Starting a Student-Run Free Clinic. Presented at the Society of Student Run Free Clinics Annual Conference, 2010. Jacksonville, FL. January 30.

Funding your Clinic: Grant-Writing, Fund-Raising, Donors, and Institutional Support. Presented at the Society of Student Run Free Clinics Annual Conference. Jacksonville, FL. January 2010.

Faculty Development Leadership Training and Fellowship in Underserved Health Care: Learnings, Outcomes and Next Steps. 43rd STFM Annual Spring Conference. Vancouver, Canada. April 2010,

Effect of Free clinic Involvement on Medical Student Attitudes Toward Treatment of the Underserved, STFM 36 Annual Predoctoral Education Conference. Jacksonville, FL. January 2010.


Beck, E., Dominguez, I., Falicov, C., "Providing Integrative Health Care for the Latino Community: Learnings from a Successful 10-year Experience." Annual Conference, Collaborative Family Health Care Association. Denver, CO. October 2009.

The Key to the Medical Home. Presented at the Collaborative Family HealthCare Assoc. 10th Annual Conference. Denver, CO. November 2008.

Renewing Ourselves. Presented at the National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice. Washington, DC. October 2008.

Guest Panel: Advocacy and Practice, Family Medicine Conference for Students. Irvine, CA, October 2008.

UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project-Integrative Medicine In An Underserved Setting, Presentation at Robert Wood Johnson Invitational Conference On Integrative Medicine. La Jolla, CA. February 2007.

Guest Speaker, Foster Care and Homelessness, 5th Annual Congressional Tri-Caucus Minority Health Summit. San Diego, CA. July 2007.

Silverstein, I.B., “The UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic Project Pre-Dental Society Curriculum Preparation”; American Dental Education Association Dean’s Conference. La Jolla, CA. November 2006.

2nd Annual Street Medicine Symposium. Boston MA, October 2006.

Free Clinic Homeless Outreach Program: International Street Medicine Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA. October 2005.

Innovative Approaches in Caring for the Medically Underserved. Presented at the Primary Care Day Lectureship for Missouri Area Health Education Centers, University of Missouri at Kansas City, and University of Health Sciences. Kansas City, MO. October 2003.

Service of the Heart. Presented at the San Diego Academy of Family Physicians 47th Annual Post Graduate Symposium, Family Medicine Update. San Diego, CA. June 2003.

Service Learning. Presented at the Kentucky Service Learning Colloquium: Network of Scholars, University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky.April 2003

UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project. Presented at A Dream Realized Seminar, STFM Predoctoral Conference. Austin, TX. February 2003.

Teaching Community Medicine, STFM 35th Annual Spring Conference. San Francisco, CA. April 2002.

KPBS These Days - Radio Interview: Student-Run Free Clinic Project Spring. 2002.

Critical Elements in a Homeless/Underserved Curriculum in a Rural and Urban Setting, Homeless in Montana Conference. Billings, Montana. March 2001.

Serving the Underserved: Listening to our community's voices, responding to your community's needs. 19th Annual N.E. Regional Conference for STFM. Philadelphia, PA. October 2000.


Invited Speaker: Creating A Student-Run Free Clinic Project. Baylor University School of Medicine. Houston, TX. May 1999.

UCSD SOMA Faculty Lecture, "UCSD Medical Students Compassionate Health Care for the Homeless and Uninsured". November 1998.

Teaching About Care of the Underserved. Workshop-STFM. Tucson, AZ. January 1994.