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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine

News & Announcements


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In the News

Shining Star Award (Staff)

Shining Star Award! 

This award is given to celebrate all of the great work done within the Department of Family Medicine and will be awarded quarterly.
  • October 2024-Melissa Wahl

Melissa has the unique ability to garner respect and also be regarded as a mother figure. Whether it’s being the go-to person for chocolates or acting as a sounding board and voice of reason, Melissa is always available to help.  Melissa is also held in high regard by her coworkers. Last year, Melissa single-handedly kept the DFM business office during a time when several colleagues were out on maternity leave and medical leave. She stepped up without hesitation.

  • January 2025-Lisa Deferville 

Lisa has an incredible work ethic and puts more than 100% effort into everything she does.  She is dedicated to serving the education mission of our department through her tireless commitment to the multiple FPM courses and rotations for medical students throughout the four years.  The past year she was instrumental in supporting a pilot project for the new FM 3rd year clerkship.  This was a new initiative, and we absolutely could not have implemented the pilot project without her support and expertise.  She is an amazing asset in our Department and I’m grateful for all she does!

She is the current course coordinator for MS4 FPM 432/426 clerkships. However, she will be the new MS3 FM Clerkship coordinator as well starting May '25. She has literally become the "heart and soul" of our MS3 FM Clerkship Curriculum development committee. She attends our monthly committee meetings- always providing fabulous creative ideas. She tirelessly brainstorms constructive solutions to the myriad barriers we have faced. She is diligent, hard working and dedicated to the FM mission and to promoting student education. Our department would not be able to run these clerkships without her and thus, our faculty would not be able to have such a robust teaching experience without her. She is deserving of this award and more!