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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine

4th year In-Patient Elective Rotation 

In-Patient Family Medicine Sub-Internship

The goal of this four week rotation is to educate students about the unique approach to care of family medicine patients in the hospital setting on a Family Medicine Inpatient Service. In addition to caring for medical patients, students will have the opportunity to follow patients in labor, and to participate in deliveries and the postpartum care of mothers and their newborns. Thus, we hope to provide an experience that illustrates the breadth of practice provided in the hospital by family physicians and emphasizes the importance of the continuity relationship while caring for patients within the context of their families and community. The emphasis of the clerkship will be on learning a process of caring for the whole patient despite the disruption of hospitalization.

Clinical Experiences

Students will be expected to assume primary responsibility for patient care, acting at a sub intern level with direct supervision by Family Medicine faculty and senior residents. The student will not share patients with a PGY-1 resident. Each ward team consists of a faculty attending physician, a third year Family Medicine resident, 2 Family Medicine interns and a 2nd or 3rd year night float. The student is expected to work up 1-2 patients per day and follow a total of up to 5 patients at a time. We estimate that during this four week rotation, the student will be responsible for the complete admission history and physical, progress notes and discharge summaries on a minimum of 12 patients. Call is overnight, occurs approximately every 4-5 days (total of 6 call nights) and is taken with the night float or covering resident. This may include weekend call though the student is guaranteed one day off per week as well as one full weekend during the month. Your experience includes morning teaching rounds and didactic sessions in addition to direct patient care.

Resources & Information

Contact Information 

UC San Diego School of Medicine Visiting Student Program

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact:

Melissa Wahl, M.P.H.
Residency Program Manager
Phone: 619-543-2165

Esmat Hatamy, M.D.
UCSD Hillcrest Course Director 
Phone: 619-290-1455

All interested visiting students should apply for the program through the AAMC Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS).