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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine


sheila castaneda
Sheila Castaneda, Ph.D.

Biopsychosocial and Ecological Correlates of Latina Women's Sedentary Behavior: SOL CASITAS (PI: Sheila Castañeda)

Sedentary behavior is defined as any waking activity characterized by an energy expenditure ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents (METs) in a sitting or reclining posture. NHANES data from 2003-04 show that US adults spend over half of their waking hours sitting. Hispanic/Latinos (H/L) (and in particular H/L women), are at increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Recent data from the Hispanic Community Health Study/ Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) has shown that among Hispanic/Latinos, sedentary behavior was associated with an adverse cardiometabolic biomarker profile, independent of physical activity. Despite increased risk, little is known about daily sedentary patterns and associated behavioral contexts that are most amenable to change among H/L women.

This research study (known as SOL CASITAS) will address this gap in knowledge and will provide a unique opportunity to examine sedentary behavior and related behavioral contexts among H/L women.

SOL CASITAS is an ancillary study to the HCHS/SOL and will explore innovative psychosocial and ecological correlates of sedentary behavior within the home and/or workplace among 400 San Diego female HCHS/SOL participants who are also participating in the ongoing ancillary study called SOL CASAS. SOL CASAS is assessing neighborhood impacts on cardiometabolic health. SOL CASITAS will combine existing data from the HCHS/SOL Visit 1 and Visit 2 exams and SOL CASAS with new sedentary-specific survey data to be collected as part of this protocol.

Investigative Leadership:

  • Sheila Castañeda, PhD (Principal Investigator) San Diego State University
  • Matthew Allison, MD, MPH, FAHA (Co-Principal Investigator) University of California, San Diego
  • Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, DrPH (Co-Principal Investigator) University of North Carolina
  • Gregory Talavera, MD, MPH (Co-Investigator) San Diego State University
  • Linda Gallo, PhD (Co-Investigator) San Diego State University
  • Scott Roesch, PhD (Co-Investigator) San Diego State University
  • Jim Sallis, PhD (Co-Investigator) University of California, San Diego
  • Rebeca Alvarez-Malo, MD (Program Manager) San Diego State University

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