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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine

Faculty Development and Fellowship

Addressing the Health Needs of the Underserved

From 1999 to 2019, we ran a national faculty development program primarily for medical school faculty. Although, during this time, we also had participants including veterinary physicians, nursing leaders, pharmacists, and other health professional leaders take the program. From 2013 to 2019, we ran a separate national program entitled, "Addressing the Oral Health Needs of the Underserved". From 2020 forward, we have decided in a true transdisciplinary spirit to have one collaborative program where clinicians and faculty from all health professions would be welcomed. The shared quality of all our participants is passionate commitment to the transformation of healthcare and education with underserved communities.

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Week One: Monday-Friday February 24-28, 2020
Week Two: Monday-Friday June 1-5, 2020
Week Three: Monday-Friday November 2-6, 2020

Under the direction of Dr. Ellen Beck, the program provides health professional leaders with the administrative, scholarly, and teaching skills to develop and implement programs in the care of the underserved.

The 3-week course curriculum features lecture, self-directed study, and experiential learning in the following areas: Community Health (Environmental/Occupational, Promotoras model, inner city schools, student-run free clinics), Teaching Skills (presentation skills, course design, program evaluation, Scholarly Skills (needs assessment, collecting data, using data to change policy), and Administration Skills (leadership development, small group facilitation, rotation implementation, community collaboration).

Designed to aid the practicing or teaching clinician/faculty member to develop teaching programs for health professional students in community and underserved medicine, engage in scholarly projects in care of the underserved, and create community-based programs, this Faculty Development Program has also motivated its participants to take on high-visibility leadership roles. Alumni of the Program meet informaly at national conferences sponsored by such organizations as the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, A and the American College of Physicians.

The UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project model has been replicated in more than 20 other communities across the nation.

Faculty Development Program: Addressing the Oral Health Needs of the Underserved

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NOTE: This a combined program with the Addressing the Health Needs of the Underserved Faculty Development Program. Please see above for program dates.

Similar to the medical faculty development program, it helps dental faculty learn core faculty skills, such as curriculum development and grant-writing, teaches how to create effective, empowering, community academic partnerships in which the community has a key role, and provides opportunity for personal and professional renewal. Learn more about the UCSD Pre-Dental Society.

Faculty Development Programs: Advanced Skills

Alumni of the medical and dental faculty development programs return for a yearly weeklong workshop in which they continue to do group problem-solving, acquire skills, and address personal and professional renewal.

Fellowship in Underserved Healthcare

In 2006, we created the first Fellowship in Underserved Healthcare in the nation to recognize that there were graduating physicians and other health professionals who wanted to devote their careers to working with the undersered and who wanted to acquire and strengthen the necessary skills to be a clinician, teacher, and leader in this field. Since its inception, more than 10 fellows -- including both medical and dental leaders -- have completed the Fellowship and gone on to careers in underserved healthcare. NOTE: The Fellowship in Underserved Healthcare is currently seeking funding. For more information, contact Dr. Ellen Beck or donate here.

Many of our transdisciplinary free clinic leaders have completed the Faculty Development Program and/or Fellowship in Underserved Healthcare.