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Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine

About Integrated Cardiovascular Epidemiology Fellowship - T32

Program Overview

Trainee selection is based on interest in cardiovascular disease prevention, potential for an academic research career, and demonstrated excellence. Predoctoral trainees can apply to the UCSD-SDSU Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health and preference will be given to those with a Master’s degree. Postdoctoral trainees will hold either the M.D., D.Ph., or Ph.D. degree. Physician trainees will generally enter after completion of clinical training in medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, or preventive medicine. All trainees will be allowed to enroll in didactic courses at the University of California San Diego or San Diego State University. This may include pursuing an M.P.H. at UC San Diego and SDSU School of Public Health.

The overall curriculum will center on an intensive multidisciplinary research project and will include appropriate didactic coursework depending on the extent of previous training by the fellow. The standard program length of two years may be extended to three years for post-doctoral and up to five years for pre-doctoral fellows.

The program will integrate resources from UC San Diego School of Medicine departments, the School of Public Health, and the Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH) at San Diego State University and its affiliated research institutes and centers. Due to the expertise, experience and breadth of mentors committed to the program, rich opportunities exist for exceptional research experiences incorporating an interdisciplinary approach.

The UC San Diego is committed to the education and training of individuals dedicated to careers focusing on this issue. The Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health (Epidemiology Track) conducted in collaboration with the SDSU GSPH is an example of this commitment and the ability of the Division to work in partnership with other institutions. Our program continues that theme and includes prominent investigators from SDSU participating in the training programs as mentors.